The book covers the different topics accurately and concisely. The text follows a logical and direct pathway, with appropriate material grouped together. The earliest chapters explain the ribbon tasks from left to right, and offers tips on all functions. I consider the content in chapter 6 to be introductory, so I would include it earlier in the book.
While requiring some updating, this text covers most of the bases for a beginning Excel class. Due to the abundant use of screen shots and video components, the text may need to be evaluated for accessibility in order to accommodate students who require educational accommodations. Each chapter is built around skills which are presented in a logical and clear order. The topics introduced build on each other moving the student from simple understanding to complex application of the skills being taught.
Microsoft Excel 2019 Training Manual Classroom in a Book
This was not the case with Beginning Excel, however. This book is a fairly comprehensive overview of Excel for beginning students. I would like to see an expansion of the functions and formulas to include a few more commonly used functions and formulas.
This is actually one of the only pieces of work I have been able to find where it teaches Microsoft Excel 2016, that makes it easy to divide into sections. A lot of work out there has each assignment build up slowly for at least 10 or more pages. This keeps assignments clear and concise but also using different skills. Cultural references do not apply to this textbook on MS Excel. The examples used in the text appear to be from a wide range of gender, race, and ethnicity. Personally, I use a lot of keyboard shortcuts, and this book does a great job of presenting keyboard shortcuts throughout the book.
The text does not seem to have any interface issues. Navigation is a snap, images rendered well on both a laptop and a phone, and the display is clean and easy to read. The topics in the text are presented in a logical, clear fashion that uses previous concepts to build up to new ones. Rather than a reference text, this is built as a teaching text which will build a skill.
- Multiple images, figures, and charts use abbreviations.
- With some modifications along with additional supplemental materials, students could complete the chapters and assignments from this text regardless of the version of Windows or Excel being used.
- Enroll now to propel your Excel expertise and open doors to enhanced productivity and analytical prowess in your professional endeavors.
I found no issues with the navigation, or distortion of images and charts. There are no distracting images or text that would cause confusion for the reader. The terminology is also consistent, as far as I could tell from the overview I completed.
Excel 2019 Beginners
Even though the book is made for excel 2019 It is still highly relevant since excel doesn’t change a lot with the years, maybe a few thinks have changed since 2019 but it is still 99% relevant. The book is highly accurate, I teach excel in my classes and I will be Microsoft Excel 2019 Lessons replacing the current book with this one. Unlock the power of file management, discovering the Save and Save As commands, file extensions, and collaboration features. Navigate through larger files effortlessly, utilizing options like Freeze Panes and Split Screen.